Thursday, 5 July 2007

Gwyn Williams - Chairman of Executive

Gwyn Williams was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hertfordshire RFU at its AGM on Monday, 25th June 2007. In a vote held at the meeting he beat off the strong challenge of Daryl Hayler to win the election.

Speaking of the role of Chairman Gwyn says:
"One of John Drew's last acts as Chairman was to prepare the next phase of the Strategic plan. The executive has to use this document as a working plan, not another initiative gathering dust on shelves around the county. I believe that to achieve the long-term vision of the plan, the executive have to break it down into short-term action plans, setting goals and targets 
against which we can measure our progress.
I want the executive to become more proactive in its work rather than reactive. I shall bring my ideas to the executive and push for Herts to make plans to move Rugby forward across the board, in every town in the county. We need to identify issues facing clubs and the CB and discuss them as well as discussing the various reports from sub committees. 
I wish county meetings to become more of an open forum, with published agendas that clubs can subscribe to and be encouraged to discuss. I want to make our committee meaningful to our clubs so that a greater interest is engendered in our game at a local level. And I need the clubs to buy into this vision."

John Drew had vacated the position, under the Rules of the Union, having been Chairman for 5 years. With the approval of the General Committee, he now takes over the position of Chairman of the Playing Committee, Gwyn's former position. Gwyn will continue as Chairman of Selectors and Fixture & Match Secretary.

All the other Officers of the Union and the Sub-Committee Chairmen were re-elected unopposed.