Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Experimental Law Variations

On Wednesday 2nd July 81 stalwart Club Coaches and Referees assembled at the University of Hertfordshire for the first unveiling of the RFU interpretations of the new Experimental Law Variations (ELV’s) that come into effect on 1st August.

The speaker was David Rose – Premiership Referee and Midland Referee Development Manager.

Future opportunities to hear about the ELV’s will be at 7.30 on Monday 14th July at Welwyn RFC for Teachers and Junior age group coaches and again at 7.30 on Thursday 14th August at the University of Hertfordshire for referees and Coaches in the adult game when the speaker will be Alan Biggs Midlands Referee Development Officer and Premiership Touch Judge – oops sorry “Assistant Referee!!”.

Full details of the ELV’s are available on the IRB web site